Stretches for your mind

Before I write, I often see shapes, images, and structures — essentially three-dimensional, color outlines that serve as the bones over which I drape sentences and paragraphs.

Not unexpectedly, I’m a fan of the Visual Thesaurus. Go ahead, give it a try, or take the tour. There’s also a Visual Thesaurus blog I feel I have to mention…since the Jan. 3 post was kind enough to mention Writer Way.

Share the suspense

Tonight I applied to do a fascinating freelance project that is very much like the writing project (also billed as freelance) that got my foot in the door at Apple some years back.

There was an interactive online application that required referring to some third-party websites. And, wouldn’t you know, one of the third-party sites crashed my Safari browser, trashing everything I’d written thus far in the online application.


I took a deep breath, re-launched Safari, and started over on the application. This time I was careful to launch the third-party sites in Firefox.

I should know if I’ve gotten the project work in a week or two, so…stay tuned. As they say on, “send purrs my way.”

Really, they say that. Talk about cute overload.

[Addendum, Jan. 6: Well, some of you must have purred. Thank you! I got the gig. However, I won’t be blogging about it until the work is completed, sometime in mid-February.]

Writing as a business: Measuring results

Every successful organization I’ve been involved with was committed to benchmarking and measurement — and had the kind of leadership that wasn’t afraid to make numbers a key factor in deciding which projects to continue and which projects to revamp or scrap.

Hugo Award-winning science fiction writer David Levine shows how a professional writer can take a fearless look at his or her year-end numbers.

I don’t know if I have the courage to make my numbers public, but, following David’s lead, I’ll be tallying up my 2006 results for fiction, client blogging and websites, and personal blogs.