New ideas, including one from Seth

Seth Godin’s blog post on how you can reduce the amount of time you spend in “downcycle” interactions that aren’t working and are only going to get worse.

One of the questions often asked of bloggers by non-bloggers is “Where do you get ideas to write about?”

One of the questions often asked of bloggers by other bloggers is “How do you decide which idea to write about?”

Since rejoining the a nonprofit board of directors last month, I’ve put myself into serious learning mode — learning not just about the organization, board operations, and board culture, but also about how boards work in general. This process includes attending half-day workshops on boards offered by United Way of King County. (Highly recommended to anyone on a board or anyone who works with a nonprofit board.)

As you might image, I’m in danger of drowning in ideas.

While nonprofit culture is vastly different from that of for-profit organizations, I’m finding that, as usual, I’m getting good advice from Seth Godin. His blog post this morning is about how you can reduce the amount of time you spend in “downcycles” (interactions that aren’t working and are only going to get worse) by stepping back and reframing them to create “upcycle” processes.